Coaching Association of Canada

Webinar #1: Wednesday October 14, 2020

Human First: How embracing your humanity can unlock performance and help you create unstoppable athletes 

Dr. Adrienne Leslie-ToogoodToogood Consulting 

It is no longer possible to ignore the humanity in sport. COVID 19 has disrupted the playing field, and Coaches are now wondering how to define progress and success. Things are messy now because people are no longer able to hide from who they are - but what if this is actually an opportunity?  

Emotions cannot be hidden, and fears and worries can no longer be pushed aside.  Instead, we need to acknowledge them, work through them, and learn to understand what it means in the context of performance.   

Join us for a rich discussion of the hidden humanity in sport. This will include real stories from the trenches and tools to empower coaches to dive into new territory such as psychological safety, mental health, and emotional well-being.  Our sport system can become better during this time, and athletes and coaches can achieve in new ways and at higher levels than ever before.