Coaching Association of Canada

CAC EDI Grant program, powered by MONDO

The CAC offers grants to eligible sport organizations (NSOs, PTCRs, and the COPSI Network) that organize and operate programs and initiatives to increase the number of coaches who identify with one or more of the CAC’s Priority Groups. In the CAC’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Priority Groups include “women, visible minorities, persons with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples, and people that identify with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community." A PTSO is eligible to apply with the endorsement or in partnership with the NSO partner.

Program Goal: Support the development and implementation of projects by sport organizations to increase the diversity of coaches in Canada. 

Funding: Grant recipients will receive up to $1,500 to support their project and must contribute a minimum of $500 to the project. All project activities must be completed between April 1, 2024, and March 1, 2025, and a final report must be completed by March 1, 2025. 

Eligible projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Hosting a specialized introduction to coaching workshop or a relevant NCCP Workshop
  • Training new NCCP Coach Developers (example: training NCCP Coach Developers who can deliver an NCCP workshop in another language to a new community)
  • Developing a mentorship program
  • Developing a Community of Practice
  • Providing practical coaching experiences for coaches (example: attending a National Championships in a coach apprentice role)

Application Process: Applications were accepted from May 1 to June 30, 2024. Successful applicants will be notified in July 2024. Review the full program guidelines here for more information.

View the 2023-2024 grant recipients here.


CAC and Game Plan Coaching Education Grants

Game Plan and the Coaching Association Canada are excited to provide support for up to $1000 for ALL NCCP Coaching Streams this year!

  • NCCP Competition-Introduction (Comp-Intro) Stream
  • NCCP Competition-Development (Comp-Dev) Stream
  • NCCP Advanced Coaching Diploma (ACD) Program

Connect with your NSO to understand which NCCP courses and coaching stream you should consider or your Game Plan Advisor for more details.

Apply here: 

⁠Applications are due by March 15, 2024.

About  the Grants Program

The CAC and Game Plan Coaching Education Grants program introduces athletes to the possibility of a career in coaching. As part of this initiative, Game Plan and CAC support athletes on their pathway to complete the Competition-Development or Advanced Coaching Diploma program. 


  • Expose athletes to National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) coach education. 
  • Expose athletes to a career in coaching. 
  • Recruit coaches from within the sport system. 
  • Develop a relationship between, Game Plan, CAC, NSOs, COC & CPC, to keep athletes and alumni in the sport system. 

Access to Competition-Development 

Game Plan, in partnership with the CAC, reimburses NCCP coaching education fees for athletes to complete NCCP Competition-Development training in their sport. This reimbursement is available for athletes who are still competing or within 2 years of retirement as per Game Plan eligibility, with the CAC’s funding contribution for women participants, as per CAC’s directed funding via it’s Women in Coaching Program. 

Access to the NCCP Advanced Coaching Diploma 

Game Plan, in partnership with the CAC, reimburse coaching education fees for athletes to complete the NCCP Advanced Coaching Diploma. This reimbursement is available for athletes transitioning out of sport or who are already retired, with the CAC’s funding going solely toward women participants. 


The CAC is grateful to work with our partnering organizations towards our common goal of creating a safe and inclusive sport environment.  



Gender Equity in Coaching 

Current coaching data indicates that women are under-represented as coaches both nationally and internationally. 

Coaches are the most visible and influential leaders in sport. They shape the day-to-day lived experiences of participants and influence the growth and development of sport. 

By working to ensure the Canadian sport coaching landscape is more equitable, will we see an increase in women's participation in coaching and leadership roles, which will help to increase in girls' participation in sport and physical activity.

We’ve partnered with Canadian Women and Sport to establish the Gender Equity in Coaching Framework and Self-Assessment Tool to identify the key areas for organizational change to improve the conditions for women in coaching.  Sport leaders will be able to utilize the  tool to improve conditions for women in coaching by identifying the factors that can be changed within their organization. 

Sport organizations have a responsibility to challenge the status quo, combat biases in the coaching pathway, and foster an inclusive culture in sport to actively advance gender equity in coaching.  

Complete The Gender Equity in Coaching Self-Assessment Tool to determine your organization’s areas of strength and potential areas of improvement to advance gender equity in coaching.