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CAC Research Strategy

The purpose of the CAC’s Research Strategy is to support quality coaching programs, policies, and practices with enhanced knowledge mobilization.

Research and evidence are of major importance at the Coaching Association of Canada. It is intentionally used to ensure evidence-based decision-making and credible sport coaching program development. 

Areas of influence

As part of its research strategy, the Coaching Association of Canada focuses on 4 interrelated areas of influence; creating, supporting, connecting and communicating academic research. ​


Through The Locker database and daily operations in the development and implementation of coaching programs the CAC contributes to the production of quantitative and qualitative data that can be used for evidence-based decision making and can contribute to academic research.


The CAC provides tools and consultation services to its staff and interested partners to enhance their understanding of research and evidence and their ability to use it effectively.


The CAC provides structured opportunities for staff, partners and coaching researchers to network with each other.


The CAC translates academic and organizational research and disseminates it to the partnership and/or the public.

Research Scope

Sport Science and Sport Coaching research informs and inspires the CAC’s programs and services. 

Sport Coaching Research ​

Sport coaching research aims to understand the coaching process and how it can be enhanced to increase positive outcomes and to reduce negative ones. This research informs how coaches develop and how they can coach effectively. It is informed by the Education, Psychology, Management, Sociology, Motor Learning and Development, and Sport sciences disciplines, among others. 

Sport Sciences ​

Sport science research focuses on understanding the human body in the unique environment of sport and seeks to understand and enhance athlete health, well-being and performance. This research largely informs athlete training, programming, and services, for example regarding athlete’s health, physical development, participation and retention/dropout. It is informed by Psychology, Physiology, Anatomy, Medicine, Biomechanics, Motor Behaviour, Nutrition, Sociology and Sport coaching, among other disciplines. 

Developed with the collaboration of: Joe Baker; Tanya Berry ; Bettina Callary; Marie-Pier Charest; David Cooper; Diane Culver; Guylaine Demers; Jim Denison; Marc-André Duchesneau; Jonathon Edwards; Alanna Harman; Nicola Hodges; Michael Kennedy; Kate Kloos; Timothy Konoval; Alixandra Krahn; Darren Kruisselbrink; Brian Maraj; Scott McRoberts; Michelle Silver; Ashley Stirling; Maxime Trempe; Andrea Woodburn. 

Both fields influence the implementation of the CAC Research Strategy, that focuses on 7 main questions:

    • Who is the coach? ​
    • What is the coaching context? ​
    • How do coaches develop? ​
    • How is coach education and development supported? ​
    • What are coaches developing? ​
    • What is the coach doing? ​
    • What is the coach’s professional situation?​


Creating – Organizational research and evidence-based decision making ​


Organizational research and evidence-based decision making ​

The CAC continuously funds research and collects and analyzes data to support quality coaching programs, policies, and practices. ​

  • Responsible Coaching Movement ​
  • Diversity and Inclusion ​
  • Sport Safety ​
  • Project Pulse ​
  • Locker Insights ​
  • Research contracts and funding  ​
Connecting – Sport Coaching Research Network


Sport Coaching Research Network  ​

The CAC has created the Sport Coaching Research Network (SCRN) to formalize the engagement of researchers and CAC Partners to further the education, the development, and the profession of coaching in Canada. The network, now composed of over 100 members, is a group of faculties and students interested in sport coaching research. They share a common goal to foster a research culture that supports evidence-based decisions in sport coaching.  ​

​All researchers and research students, interested in sport coaching research can become a member of the network. As part of the application, network members agree to certain ground rules related to potential conflicts of interest, privacy and confidentiality, relationships, communication and conflict resolution procedures. Completed applications are automatically approved. ​

​Advantages of being part of the SCRN automatically include: ​

  • Privileged support from the CAC for research-related projects (i.e. disseminating calls for participants, letters of support for grant applications, dissemination of findings, connections to sport practitioners).
  • Inclusion of contact to receive the CAC Research Update email. ​

Other advantages will be offered based on each member's involvement, such as:  ​

  • Impact to the sport system ​
  • Network with like-minded researchers ​
  • Collaboration on research ​
  • Connection to practitioners and practitioners’ priorities ​
  • Funding opportunities for targeted research projects (subject to application and selection) ​

​Calls for contribution on different projects are disseminated to the members through the newsletter.

Join the Sport Coaching Research Network 

Supporting – In-house researcher


In-house researcher ​

​The CAC offers support to partners and staff with projects, questions and challenges that need a deep understanding of the scientific process and context to help researchers deepen their understanding of the sport coaching system and the NCCP in Canada. ​

​We work closely with researchers and various partners to value, leverage, contribute and support the expansion of Sport and Coaching research. 

Submit a Request for Research Support

Latest Research Insights

With the goals to provide credible content to CAC’s Partners and coaches and to support members of the CAC Sport Coaching Research Network, the CAC regularly offers Research Insights, by disseminating translated #SportCoachingResearch. Written summaries of CAC funded or supported research projects are available for download.

Anti-Racism in Coaching Community of Practice


Read the summary

Sport Safety & Coaching Community of Practice


Read the summary

Care and Caring in Competitive Youth Sport: Experiences and Challenges


Read the summary