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The CAC Partner network includes:

National Sport Organizations

Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives

PTCR Contact Information

Canadian Sport Centres and Institutes

Multi-Sport Service Organizations

Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sports Bodies (PTASBs)

CAC Corporate Partners and Sponsors

Work with us to support Canada’s coaches. 

The CAC’s corporate partners and sponsors play a vital role in shaping the lives and driving the success of participants and coaches in Canada.

The Coaching Association of Canada works with its corporate partners and sponsors to drive its coach education, training, and recognition programs in communities across the country. Through this continued support, the CAC works to enhance the sport experiences of all athletes and participants through quality coaching.

The CAC is privileged to work in partnership with these values-based organizations that believe in the power of sport. Thank you to our corporate partners and sponsors that share our vision to focus efforts and programs exclusively on educating, developing, and celebrating the coach.

National Partners

Corporate Supporters