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Safe Sport Training Poster with QR Code

Safe Sport Training Poster with QR Code

Quality Coaching Toolkit: Coaching for Performance in Life and in Sport

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide tangible ways for coaches and sport organizations to implement positive coaching within their sport environment. In particular, it aims to expand upon current definitions of success in sport and provide suggestions for coaches to implement more positive coaching strategies into their repertoire. We hope that this toolkit encourages all sport participants to consider their definitions of success in sport and the best ways to achieve this success.

Embracing Excellence: Cultivating Success Through Positive Sport

Athlete maltreatment in sport has become a growing concern in research and practice. While many researchers and practitioners have called for positive coaching styles, like autonomy-supportiveand athlete-centred coaching, as alternatives to abusive coaching styles, these approaches have not gained traction in practice. Although evidence exists to show that positive coaching approaches are linked with increased athlete satisfaction and retention, to-date, they have not been linked with performance outcomes. As such, there is a lack of evidence to show that positive coaching techniques can elicit high-performance results. This study addressed this gap.

Preventing Concussions

As a coach, you can play an important role in helping participants avoid concussions.

Return to Sport Poster

Coaches should provide a safe environment for participants to gradually return to sport and activity after a concussion. This includes a Return to Sport strategy in alignment with recommendations from a licensed healthcare professional.

Recognizing a potential concussion

The role of a coach isn’t to diagnose a concussion, but to recognize that a concussion may have occurred and remove the participant immediately from an at-risk situation. Use the Concussion Recognition Tool 6 (CRT6) to recognize when a concussion may have occurred and respond appropriately.

Concussion Myths

Concussion Myths

Concussion: Medical Clearance Letter

Concussion: Medical Clearance Letter

Concussion: Medical Assessment Letter

Concussion: Medical Assessment Letter

Pre-Season Concussion Education Sheet

Pre-Season Concussion Education Sheet

Which helmet for which activity?

Which helmet for which activity?