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Safe, inclusive sport environments help make sport rewarding and enriching for all. By completing Safe Sport Training you will gain the knowledge and skills to create healthy and safe environments by recognizing, addressing and preventing maltreatment in sport.

After completing Safe Sport Training you will be able to:

  • Understand that everyone has a role to play in keeping sport safe, how the misuse of power leads to maltreatment, and the principles of the Universal Code of Conduct.
  • Understand the various types of maltreatment, the conditions that enable them, and how to recognize signs that they may be happening.
  • Know what to do if you suspect maltreatment, and how you can create a culture that protects all participants. As of April 1, 2020, all Sport Canada-funded organizations are required to have training in abuse and harassment available to everyone under their immediate authority. 

Safe Sport Training is classified as non-NCCP Professional Development. Coaches who are maintaining their Trained or Certified status will receive two (2) Professional Development points upon completing the module.

The Training is available online through the Locker at no cost.

For more information and resources:

Visit the SafeSport Training Toolkit