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Support for Sport Partners

As part of its commitment to prevent and address maltreatment in sport, Sport Canada requires its funded organizations to have training in safe sport available to all who fall within their immediate authority. The Safe Sport Training module from the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) is available at no cost to your members and meets the minimum standards for mandated safe sport training for Sport Canada-funded organizations. It comes with additional tools and resources to help you embed Safe Sport principles throughout your organization.

Everyone has a role to play

Do you part to ensure a safe sport environment.

All Roles

  • Treat all participants respectfully, following the Universal Code of Conduct, to prevent and address maltreatment in sport
  • Raise “safe sport” awareness within your organization to ensure everyone can identify problematic situations before they escalate
  • Immediately report any acts or suspicions of maltreatment
  • Be a positive influence and advocate a safe sport environment for your sport organization
  • Advocate for meaningful inclusion of all individuals, regardless of their age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, language, creed, religion, athletic potential, disability, family status, marital status, gender identity, gender expression, sex and sexual orientation
  • Pursue and participate in continuing education to improve your knowledge and abilities in various areas of safe sport
  • Make sure that your intentions, actions, and efforts reflect a commitment to prioritizing the safety of all participants
  • Know your duty to report obligations for child protection

National Decision-Makers

  • Screen and employ coaches who demonstrate a commitment to prioritizing safe sport
  • Take appropriate measures to intervene and mitigate safe sport related issues (for example, disciplining a coach)

Direct Athlete Contact

  • Engage in behaviours and practices that are ethical and developmentally appropriate and that support the physical, psychological, social and emotional welfare of participants
  • Provide encouragement and positive support to all athletes during practices and competition, regardless of performance
  • Prioritize personal development of athletes over performance excellence
  • Ensure licensure and sport-specific education are relevant and up to date

No Direct Athlete Contact

  • Ensure that organizational policies and systems regarding child protection are clearly communicated and easily accessible 

Provincial and Territorial Links for Safe Sport