Coaching Association of Canada

New to coaching? Learn how to get started and make a real difference

Discover the joys and impacts of becoming a coach. Whether you're looking to give back to the community, stay connected to your sport, or foster personal growth, coaching offers a path to fulfillment that extends well beyond the game. This is an opportunity to lead and inspire while fostering your own well-being and developing lifelong connections.

Female boxing coach and student.

The community needs you

As a coach, you’re at the heart of sports and community. You’ll do so much more than teach athletic skills – it's a vital role that involves mentoring, leadership, and personal development. Through the expertise of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) , you'll gain the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in coaching, ensuring a positive and impactful experience for all participants.

Why become a coach?

Icon of 3 figures with arms around one another.

Connection to Sport

Stay engaged with the sport you love and pass on your passion to the next generation. Nurture talents and foster their growth while reinforcing your connection to the sport.

Icon of 3 people connected by a line split 3 ways.

Community Impact

Join the community of coaches who are driven by the opportunity to give back. Build relationships and meet new people, benefits that extend beyond the sports field. 

Head with plant positioned where brain is to signify growth.

Personal Growth

Enhance your leadership abilities and communication skills while providing a positive outlet for managing mental health. Develop and refine these vital skills, contributing to both personal fulfillment and professional growth.


How to become a coach

Female boxing coach wrapping wrists of students.

1. Choose Your Sport

Select the sport you wish to coach and explore your specific certification pathway by reviewing your National Sport Organization (NSO) requirements. If your sport has a Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) they are also a good resource to connect with. Find their contact details by clicking this link, and use the provided email template to customize your outreach email.

Find my Sport

2. Join the Locker

The Locker is the place to go to view the NCCP coaching workshop calendar, complete eLearning modules and track your coach education. Create an account and sign-up today! 

Sign up!

3. Take your Training

Get started with multi-sport eLearning modules in the Locker, or view the NCCP workshop calendar to register for workshops. 

Register now

4. Get Involved

Throughout your certification process, connect with local sports clubs and organizations that are looking for volunteers or assistant coaches. This is a great way to get started.

Get Connected

Create a Quality Sport Environment

It’s important for all coaches to create a positive environment. The CAC offers programs, tools, resources, and leading practices on Safe Sport to create a culture where everyone thrives.

Male boxing coach wrapping wrist of student with parent present.

The role of The Locker

The central platform to manage your coaching certification process. It’s essential for tracking your progress, storing your coaching credits and transcripts, and accessing sport-specific modules tailored to your pathway. Additionally, it facilitates registration for workshops and other training deliveries that are vital for advancing your coaching skills and contributing effectively to your community.

Join The Locker


Still waiting to get started? Stay connected!

Learn how you can make a positive impact on your community as a coach, your most fulfilling role yet. Subscribe to our Inside Coaching e-newsletter to learn more.

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Additional Resources

Discover insights on the impact of coaching

The Profound Community Impact of Coaching

Coaching makes a lasting difference for everyone involved — including yourself. It brings communities together, develops character and self-discipline in youth, and helps build future leaders. Coaches feel pride in helping youth reach their potential while connecting with their community

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The Personal Growth Benefits of Being a Coach

Coaching goes beyond shaping young athletes; it’s a path to personal growth. Improve communication, organization, and emotional intelligence. Gain a sense of purpose and confidence that enhances work and home life. Discover how coaching can transform you.

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