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NCCP Coach Developer Roles

NCCP Coach Developers help coaches hone and improve their knowledge and skills so they can provide positive and effective sport experiences for all participants.

NCCP Learning Facilitator

Train the coaches to coach at all levels. Every NCCP workshop is led by a qualified NCCP Learning Facilitator (LF) who has undergone nationally standardized training. NCCP Learning Facilitators have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes to facilitate learning sessions that produce skilled and knowledgeable coaches.

Through a competency-based approach, NCCP Learning Facilitators ensure the coaches they train can be certified on their ability to create safe environments for happy participants. NCCP Learning Facilitators also contribute to the sport community as ambassadors for the NCCP.

NCCP Coach Evaluator

Evaluate coaches and guide them to certification. Coach Evaluators step in once a coach has completed their NCCP training.

NCCP Coach Evaluators assess, evaluate, debrief, and follow up with coaches to help them achieve certification. They are experts in observation, providing feedback and debriefing, and have in-depth knowledge of the outcomes, criteria, and evidences from NCCP standard evaluation tools within different sport contexts. NCCP Coach Evaluators also act as ambassadors for the NCCP and as resources for coaches who seek to augment and validate their coaching abilities.

NCCP Master Coach Developer

Train, mentor & evaluate Coach Developers. NCCP Master Coach Developers select, train, evaluate, support, and mentor NCCP Coach Developers (Learning Facilitators, Coach Evaluators, and other Master Coach Developers).

NCCP Master Coach Developers have the knowledge and expertise in facilitation to lead workshops and professional development experiences for Coach Developers. It is expected that NCCP Master Coach Developers take on more responsibility during workshops and evaluations by supporting NCCP Coach Developers, program administrators, and delivery host agencies. NCCP Master Coach Developers also act as ambassadors for the NCCP.

NCCP Coach Developer FAQs

Why isn’t my legacy NCCP Coach Developer training appearing on my transcript?

Coach Developers have been given two years to enter the Coach Developer pathway.  All legacy training should now be entered as a part of the pathway. The legacy is no longer on the transcript.

What does “Qualified to Deliver” mean?

If you see a green checkmark next to a sport-specific or multi-sport module on your Coach Developer tab, it means that you have completed all steps of the pathway for that particular module, including: MED online evaluation, Core Training, Content-Specific Training, Co-Delivery, and Evaluation.

What does “In Progress” mean on my NCCP Coach Developer tab in the Locker?

This is a list of the sport-specific or multi-sport modules whereas the Coach Developer has attended the Core Training and Content Training, but has not completed the Co-Delivery. They are organized by sport organization.

What does “Credited” mean on my NCCP Coach Developer tab in the Locker?

Credited modules are given to NCCP Coach Developers who have taken a higher level of training. For example, MCD training was taken for a particular module, and as a result, the equivalent LF or CE modules are given “credit”.

Who do I contact if my NCCP Coach Developer tab is inaccurate?

The first step is to verify your Locker transcript and filter by Coach Developer. If something is missing on your transcript, it will not appear on your Coach Developer Tab. In this situation, please communicate directly with the organization that you represent, whether it’s a National Sport Organization, a Provincial or Territorial Coaching Representative, or a Provincial or Territorial Sport Organization.

What if my Locker transcript is accurate, but my NCCP Coach Developer tab is not?

To resolve the issue, please communicate directly with the organization that you represent, whether it’s a National Sport Organization, a Provincial or Territorial Coaching Representative, or a Provincial or Territorial Sport Organization.

Can an event recorder go back and retroactively add co-delivery and evaluation to existing events?

Yes, you can go back to any event and add a co-delivery or evaluation to an event that was not previously recorded. If you have any questions please contact CAC Coach and Partner Services by email at

I have taken core MCD training. Why doesn't it show up on my NCCP Coach Developer tab?

All MCDs, regardless of sport-specific or multi-sport, must complete all three core trainings. This includes core training for Learning Facilitators, Core Training for Coach Evaluators, and Core Training for Master Coach Developers. Once all three core trainings are completed, the ‘green checkmark’ will appear.

I took NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training. Why does it not show up on my NCCP Coach Developer tab?

All coach developers need to take any MED on-line evaluation in order to be selected as a Coach Developer. If training has already been taken, this MED on-line evaluation is free and can be accessed from the e-learning section of the locker.

How do I access Core Training?

Core training is offered by the provincial and territorial NCCP delivery agent in your area.

Can I access Core Training through my sport?

Sports can integrate the core training into their content-specific training if they have been trained and evaluated to deliver it, but they must partner with the provincial and territorial NCCP delivery agent in your area. Contact your NSO for more information.

What’s the difference between Core Training and Content-specific Training?

Core training teaches Coach Developers the skills needed to be effective in their role. content-specific training teaches Coach Developers how to deliver the content of a particular workshop, for example – Prevention and Recovery. The content-specific training includes micro-facilitation or micro-evaluation.

If I take Core Training for one sport or context, do I need to take it again for another sport and/or context?

No. Once your core training is complete, you will not have to take it again for other sports or contexts.

Do I have to take the Core Training before the Context-specific Training?

It is highly recommended that Coach Developers take core training before the content-specific training so that they can apply what they learned in core training to their micro-facilitations/evaluations. However, this is not always possible due to scheduling and the availability of workshops.

What is micro-facilitation and micro-evaluation?

Micro-facilitation and micro-evaluation are a chance to practice delivering the content in a safe environment with other Coach Developers and with the feedback of the Master Coach Developer.

What is co-delivery?

Co-delivery is the opportunity to facilitate real coaches in a workshop, or to evaluate real coaches with the support of an experienced Coach Developer.

If I have completed Core Training and Content-specific Training, why do I have to take part in a co-facilitation or co-evaluation?

Co-facilitation and co-evaluation are part of training. They are opportunities to practice with an experienced Learning Facilitator or Coach Evaluator with real participants and they increase the quality and the consistency of delivery.

Will I be paid for co-facilitation or co-evaluation?

Ultimately this will be up to each sport, but in most cases the answer is no. Co-facilitation and co-evaluation are part of Coach Developer training.

Can I be evaluated while I co-facilitate or co-evaluate?

Co-facilitation and co-evaluation are an essential part of training. It’s where formative feedback, which is critical to development and which allows new Learning Facilitators or Coach Evaluators to gain success and confidence to deliver on their own, is given. Only after the Learning Facilitator or Coach Evaluator feels confident in this role could it lead to an evaluation.

How do I become certified?

To become certified, you must be evaluated by a Master Coach Developer. This is a quality assurance step to ensure that the NCCP is delivered to the same national standard no matter where training occurs.

Do I have to be certified to deliver courses?

No. Trained Coach Developers can deliver NCCP courses, but it is recommended that organizations use certified Coach Developers before using trained Coach Developers. We highly recommend all Coach Developers become certified within 2 years of completing training.

If I've been evaluated as a multi-sport learning facilitator (LF) or coach Evaluator (CE), do I have to be evaluated again as an LF or CE in my own sport? or vice versa?

As a minimum, Coach Developers only need to be evaluated once per role, regardless of the sport, context, or program. Sports may choose to require additional evaluations above this minimum standard.

I’ve taken Core Training. Can I now deliver the Multi-sport Modules?

No. To deliver the multi-sport modules, you must take multi-sport content-specific training. Contact your provincial and territorial NCCP Delivery Agent for information on their application process.

I am an NCCP Master Coach Developer (MCD) in my sport, but I haven’t taken any Core Training or any content-specific training for MCDs. Do I have to go back and take training?

It is recommended that all Coach Developers, including MCDs, either go back and take core training, or proceed directly to evaluation. Please contact your sport for more information.

What is a “Legacy” Learning Facilitator?

A ‘Legacy’ LF is an LF who became an LF in the National Coaching Certification Program before the introduction of the new Coach Developer system. Legacy LFs may, or may not, have completed the Coach Developer pathway.

Does a Legacy Learning Facilitator have to follow the Coach Developer Pathway?

Yes. All Coach Developers, including Legacy LFs, must take core training or proceed directly to evaluation.

Will “Legacy LF” remain on my transcript forever?

No. The Legacy LF status were removed from NCCP transcripts on January 1st, 2017. At that point, Legacy LFs were either be listed as ‘in-training’, ‘trained’, or ‘certified’ within the Coach Developer pathway.

Why do I no longer see MLF or ME on my transcript?

The term Master Coach Developer (MCD) comprises both the previous MLF and ME roles. MCDs have the same role as the MLF and/or ME. Their responsibility is to train, evaluate, and mentor Learning Facilitators and Coach Evaluators.