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Criteria for Resources

The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) is launching an online national hub of mental health resources! The Hub will be a powerhouse of rich content, information, research, data, infographics and videos, hosted on the CAC’s website, The goal is to empower and equip coaches with educational resources to support their mental health literacy, both with a focus on self-care and supporting their sport participants.

As we take another step to support the coaches and sport participants in Canada, we are seeking resources from individuals and organizations to contribute to the hub of mental health resources.

All resources submitted to the Hub must meet the following criteria:

  • Resource must be on the subject of: mental health, mental illness, mental performance, impact of COVID-19 on mental health, impact of racism and/or oppression on mental health, mental health and returning to sport (following COVID, injury, illness, etc.), or other topics that the project team and task force deem to be relevant and valuable to the target audiences
  • Resource must be relevant to one or more of the following primary or secondary audiences:
    • Primary Audiences:
      • Coaches in remote communities
      • Coaches in Indigenous communities (when and where welcomed)
      • Coaches in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities
      • Coaches in communities of New Canadians or newcomers to Canada
      • Coaches in schools
      • Coaches in the Canadian Armed Forces Morale and Welfare Services
    • Secondary Audience:
      • Children, youth and adults who participate in sports across the country, under the supervision of trained coaches
  • Resource must be published by an accredited organization or mental health professional
  • Resource must be research-based (for example: Government-funded study, PhD study, approved dissertation, thesis, etc.)
  • Resource must be publicly available, easily accessible (for example: public-facing web page) and free for all audiences
  • Resource must be available in one of Canada’s official languages, English or French
    • If the resource is unilingual, the CAC may require consent to translate the resource into the other official language
  • Resource must be accessible in one of the following formats:
    • Video
    • Infographic
    • Directory (For example: Help lines, websites of organizations)
    • Research Paper – (Please include summary)
    • Whitepaper
    • Blog Post
    • E-Book
    • Presentation
    • Report
    • Other, as deemed appropriate

Please note all contributed resources will be attributed to the organization and the source on the Hub. If a resource is only available in one official language (English or French), the CAC may cover the cost of translating the resource in order for it to be published on the Hub.

Resource Submission Process

Resources can be submitted through our Call for Resources form. Please note that only one resource should be submitted per form. If you would like to submit multiple resources, please complete separate forms for each individual resource. The CAC team will be reviewing all submissions to determine their eligibility, including their relevancy for the target audience. Following our vetting process, we will notify successful applicants on the inclusion of their resource on the Hub.