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Support Through Sport for Youth Coaches: A new project focus

Coaches play an essential role in having a positive influence on the lives and behaviours of young athletes in the context of healthy relationships in and through sport.

This new initiative aims to involve youth coaches in this process through different methods:

  • Mentorship opportunities;
  • Peer intervention programs;
  • Capacity and awareness building;
  • Enhanced coaching content and program relevance;
  • Improved accessibility to advocacy and educational materials.

By engaging youth coaches, we’re building leadership skills while creating safer, more supportive environments in and through sport, and promoting knowledge transfer to new and diverse audiences across Canada.

Support Through Sport eLearning Modules

These free modules will help you recognize the signs and take action in preventing and addressing gender-based violence and teen dating violence.

Understanding Teen Dating Violence

This module focuses on creating healthy environments for sport participants between the ages of 11 and 24 years. You will learn about the four forms of violence: physical, emotional and psychological, sexual and neglect. By the end of the 30-40 minute module, you will know how to identify the elements of healthy relationships.

Start the Understanding Teen Dating Violence module

Bystander Empowerment

In Bystander Empowerment, you will participate in several activities to help improve your skills in being a helpful bystander. After completing this free eLearning module, you will be able to recognize different forms of violence, identify helpful and hurtful bystander behaviour, and use strategies to intervene as a bystander in situations of violence.

Start the Bystander Empowerment module

Modelling Healthy Relationships

In Modelling Healthy Relationships, you’ll participate in several activities that will help improve your skills at modelling healthy relationships in the sport environment. After completing this free eLearning module, you will be able to recognize the elements of a healthy relationship, identify opportunities for modelling healthy relationships in the sport environment, and identify strategies for how to set, maintain and uphold expectations for healthy relationships.

Start the Modelling Healthy Relationships module

Gender-based Violence in Sport

In Gender-based Violence in Sport, you will participate in several activities to help improve your skills at recognizing and reducing gender-based violence in your sport environment. After completing this free eLearning module, you will be able to recognize forms of gender-based violence and identify strategies to use to prevent gender-based violence in your sport environment.

Start the Gender-based Violence in Sport module

About the series

Coaches influence in the lives of youth is well-documented. Coaches are in a unique position to step in and stop parts of sport culture that may contribute to unhealthy relationship behaviour. This project aims to develop, implement and evaluate an educational program, available in English and French, to assist coaches in recognizing, preventing and addressing gender-based violence and teen dating violence, and to promote healthy relationships in and through sport.

Each module in the series focuses on different important issues surrounding this topic and helps to build the capacity of coaches in promoting healthy relationships in and through sport.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions from coaches about the Support Through Sport series on teen dating violence and gender-based violence.

What will I learn?

The Support Through Sport eLearning Modules are designed to empower coaches and sport stakeholders to recognize and take action in preventing and addressing gender-based violence and teen dating violence. Each module in the series focuses on different important issues surrounding this topic and helps to build the capacity of coaches in promoting healthy relationships in and through sport.

What are the benefits?

Coaches and sport stakeholders have a strong positive influence on the lives of young people. Once you complete the first module, you will feel confident in knowing the signs of teen dating violence and gender-based violence. Coaches who are maintaining their trained or certified status through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) will receive 1 Professional Development (PD) point upon completing each eLearning module.

How do I access the training?

Understanding Teen Dating Violence, Bystander Empowerment, Modelling Healthy Relationships and Gender-based Violence in Sport are eLearning modules that are accessed through the Locker. The direct link to access the modules is:

There are four modules in the Support Through Sport eLearning Series that you can take at any time. Log in or create your free account in the Locker to access the modules on the eLearning page.

What’s the difference between Support Through Sport and Understanding Teen Dating Violence, Bystander Empowerment, Modelling Healthy Relationships, and Gender-based Violence in Sport?

Support Through Sport is a series that includes eLearning modules, as well as resources and reference material. Understanding Teen Dating Violence is the first and core module as part of this series. Bystander Empowerment, Modelling Healthy Relationships, and Gender-based Violence in Sport are supplementary modules that provide additional education on specific topics that are addressed in the foundational module.

Do I have to take Understanding Teen Dating Violence before accessing the supplementary modules?

No, you do not need to complete Understanding Teen Dating Violence first, however we recommend it as it is the foundational module of the Support Through Sport series. 

Do I need an NCCP number in order to complete the modules?

Yes, in order to access the eLearning modules you must have an NCCP number. You can either sign in with your existing account, or register a free account with the Locker today!

How much does it cost?

There is currently no cost to complete Support Through Sport eLearning modules. They are available free of charge in the Locker.

Will I receive any professional development (PD) points for completing these modules?

Yes, if you are maintaining your NCCP coach certification or training, you will receive 1 PD point for each module you complete.

Can I take the eLearning modules on my phone or tablet?

Yes! This eLearning modules are accessible on all devices and operating systems.

I am having technical issues with the eLearning modules, who should I talk to?

Please contact the CAC’s Coach and Partner Services team at or (613) 235-5000.

Should I complete the eLearning modules even if I am not a coach?

There are many people who are considered influential in the lives of teens, and can help to educate and drive awareness about gender-based violence and teen dating violence. While the Support Through Sport eLearning modules were developed specifically for coaches, it is available free of charge to anyone who wishes to take it. The more people who learn how to identify and address gender-based violence and teen dating violence, the safer all sport environments will be.

Where can I get more information?

For more information on the Coaching Association of Canada’s Support Through Support eLearning modules, please contact the Coaching Association of Canada’s Coach and Partner Services team at or (613) 235-5000.