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The CAC is now accepting expressions of interest for the 2019 Canada Games Women and Aboriginal Apprentice Program. The deadline to submit an application form is October 31, 2017, for both programs.

A total of 20 women and 10 Indigenous coaches from across Canada participated in the 2017 Canada Games as part of the Canada Games Apprenticeship Program.

The purpose of the Canada Games Apprenticeship Program is to provide women and Indigenous coaches with a major national multi-sport games experience in an apprenticerole. The program is also unique in that it encourages continued education and participation from traditionally underrepresented populations in coaching. It connects the apprentice coaches with high-performance mentor coaches, provides National Coaching Certification Program training, and other professional development and learning opportunities.

“Coaches are not only integral to the successful development of Canada's next generation of athletes, but also to the next generation of coaches. We are proud to continue our partnership with the Canada Games Council to support the coaches who play a key role in the successful development of our apprentice coaches through this unique program.” Lorraine Lafrenière, CEO of the Coaching Association of Canada.


Program Snapshots

Women in Coaching Canada Games Apprenticeship Program
The Women in Coaching Canada Games Apprenticeship Program is a partnership between the Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives (P/TCRs), the Canada Games Council (CGC), and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC). It provides the opportunity for each province and territory to send 2 female coaches to the Canada Games.

Aboriginal Apprentice Coach Program (AACP)
The AACP is a partnership between the Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC), the Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Bodies (P/TASBs), the P/TCRs, the CGC, and the CAC. It provides the opportunity for each province and territory to send two coaches of Indigenous ancestry to the Canada Games.


The CAC recently caught up with two apprentice coaches after the Games:

Lisa-Marie Vowk – Athletics, Team Yukon
My experience in the Women in Coaching program has completely exceeded my expectations, has opened doors, and boosted my confidence as a coach. In my first week at the Games, I helped coach our athletics team to make Yukon history.

Whether I'm playing the role of coach, staff, or mom, I'm happy to be part of athletes’ development, on and off the field of play.

Lisa-Marie Vowk (left) of Team Yukon and fellow apprentice coach Tara Nykoluk (right) of Team Manitoba.

Julie Casselman – Soccer, Team Quebec
"It was one of the best experience of my life to attend the Canada Summer Games as a coach. All the hard work and all the memories made me grow as a coach and as a person. I’m now more than ever convinced that I’m on the right path in my professional development. To be able to represent one’s province and actually win is always a special feeling. In the future, I will recall these memories to motivate me to become better."