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The Canadian Ski Coaches Federation, Alpine Canada’s coach education arm, launched its new website this fall which provides coaches, clubs and Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs) with an improved source of information about certification events and professional development activities. New features include:

  • Certification Programs – better access to the What, Where, When and How for certification requirements;
  • Professional Development Activities – better info on how the PD program works and access to online PD;
  • Coach Personal Page – for coaches to access their personal info, vote online, pay membership fees, get receipts, check PD status and access resources not available to the public;
  • Partner Services – for clubs and PSOs to search coach info, manage local PD activities and post job opportunities;
  • Resource Centre – manages access to three different audiences: public, coach, facilitator/evaluator;
  • Centralized Event Registration and Payment System;
  • Online Store – access to accessories and coaching tools like DVDs and books.

The new website now leverages coach data much more efficiently to benefit coach understanding of the program and its resources. Data is also synchronized with several databases to make it less complicated for the coach to find up-to-date information about the program, their current status and progression.

For questions or more information, contact Peter Goodman at