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The Coaching Association of Canada, as the leader of coach education and training in Canada, commends the Harper Government for investing in sport and recreation injury prevention for children and youth.

“Coaches play a key role in injury prevention for Canada’s children and youth,” said John Bales, CEO of CAC. “They are on the front lines on the playing fields, at the hockey arenas and wherever sport is played. Educated and certified coaches are better equipped to teach children correct technique, proper training principles and fair and ethical sport. They are also instrumental in insuring safety on the field of play. We applaud the government of Canada for investing in this initiative.”
The Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of State (Sport), and Senator Larry Smith announced the funding today on behalf of the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health.

The Government of Canada is providing $5 million over two years to support injury prevention initiatives that reach Canadian children and youth in the communities where they live and play. With a focus on preventing major injuries such as concussions, drowning and fractures, this new investment will leverage the work and networks of non-governmental organizations to promote the safety of children and youth in high-participation activities such as hockey, snow sports, cycling and water sports.

“Sport and recreation activities contribute to a significant number of injuries among children and youth, yet many of those injuries are predictable and preventable,” said Minister Lunn. “That’s why we’re investing in initiatives to reduce injuries while creating the conditions for active and safe play.”

“Everyone has a role to play in preventing injury and helping children and youth have the healthiest possible start in life,” said Senator Smith. “Reducing the number and severity of injuries that occur in sports and recreational activities is not only possible, it’s imperative.”

Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Health and of Health Promotion and Healthy Living and Ministers responsible for Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation have endorsed a Declaration on Prevention and Promotion, agreeing to work together and with others to make the promotion of health and the prevention of disease, disability and injury a priority. Ministers have also committed to working together to make the environments where children live, learn and play more supportive of physical activity. Promoting active and safe play builds on these commitments to ensure the health and safety of Canada’s children and youth.

About the Coaching Association of Canada

The Coaching Association of Canada unites stakeholders and partners in its commitment to raising the skills and stature of coaches, and ultimately expanding their reach and influence. Through its programs, CAC empowers coaches with knowledge and skills, promotes ethics, fosters positive attitudes, builds competence, and increases the credibility and recognition of coaches. Visit for more information about coach education and training.

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For more information, contact:
Julie Parkins-Forget
Manager, Marketing and Communications
Coaching Association of Canada
613-235-5000, ext. 9-2382