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Coach Education Research
Through its Research Committee, the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) seeks research to enhance the effectiveness of coaching across all levels of the sport system. Towards this goal, CAC sponsors an annual Coaching Research Symposium in conjunction with its Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif conference and calls occasionally for research proposals for projects up to $7,000. In order to encourage projects that have practical and scientific implications, each submitted project must demonstrate collaboration (i.e. project design, implementation, and dissemination of findings) between the researcher(s) and sport organizations in Canada.

Priority research themes
The priority of the CAC Research Committee is to support research that promotes coach development. Thematic areas of interest to the CAC within coach development include a) the recruitment and retention of coaches, b) the design, delivery and evaluation of coach education programs, and c) the fostering of professional development opportunities for coaches. Special consideration will be given to projects addressing under-represented groups (e.g., Aboriginals, women coaches, new Canadians, coaches of athletes with disabilities) within these thematic areas. Research examining coaches' knowledge, competencies, and behaviour as well as the experiences of athletes as a function of coaching is welcome, provided that the results promote coach development.

Application Procedure
Applications are invited from researchers affiliated with Canadian universities and colleges. We encourage graduate student involvement but the supervisor must be the applicant and the principal researcher. 

  1. A description of the project (maximum 4 pages, single spaced, references excluded).
  2. A dissemination plan
  3. A budget for an amount not exceeding $7,000
    1. Indicate if the researcher's institution requires an administration fee (maximum amount accepted will be $1,000) or if it is willing to contribute funds to the project.
    2. Budget for an amount up to $1,000 to present the project findings at the Coaching Research Symposium, held annually at the Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif conference.
    3. Equipment expenses (e.g., computer,…) will not be accepted.Application deadline: Proposals should be submitted electronically to by midnight, EDT, on October 25, 2010, EDT.
  4. A copy of the CV of the principal researcher(s)

Applications will be evaluated by the CAC Research Committee and applicants will be notified by November 19, 2010. A progress report is due by December 1, 2011. Following the completion of the project, researchers must submit an executive summary that will be posted on the CAC website (template to be provided) and a final research report.

For more information, please contact Pierre Trudel, chair of the Coaching Research Committee, at, or Diane Culver at