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For Immediate Release

OTTAWA (January 21, 2016) – The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) is pleased to announce that its CEO, Lorraine Lafrenière (@ltlafreniere), has been named to the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in Sport and Physical Activity’s (CAAWS) Most Influential Women List for 2015. She also received the honour for 2014.

Each year, CAAWS publishes the Most Influential Women List to celebrate women who have influenced sport and physical activity in Canada and on the international scene.

“I rejoice to see Lorraine included on this list along with these inspiring female leaders,” said Gabor Csepregi, Chair of the Board of Directors of the CAC. “During the past year, Lorraine has done tremendous work to position the CAC as a champion of the Responsible Coaching Movement and has continued to work with the sport community to enhance the athlete experience. She is fully deserving of this great honour, especially considering her personal achievement in 2015 overcoming cancer through treatment and an optimistic outlook on life.”

Through Lorraine’s leadership, the CAC has committed to work with its partners to raise the skills and stature of coaches, and ultimately expand their positive reach and influence on athletes. In 2015, she made it a priority to work with the Canadian sport community to create the Responsible Coaching Movement in order to identify sustainable standards of ethics and respect in sport. In addition, she has been the driving force in focusing the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) partners to complete significant changes to Canada’s coaching education system.

Also this past year, the CAC hosted a very successful Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif conference, Canada’s sport conference for coaches, researchers, executives, and administrators. Lorraine’s vision for the conference was to encourage and challenge delegates to consider the future potential for Canada as a leading sport nation and to ask each delegate to consider their own piece to play in shaping, building, and realizing that potential. “It is through initiatives like these that Lorraine has strengthened and optimized the CAC’s resources for maximum impact within the Canadian sport system,” added Mr. Csepregi.

We would also like to congratulate all the other women named to the 2015 List!

About the Coaching Association of Canada

The Coaching Association of Canada unites stakeholders and partners in its commitment to raising the skills and stature of coaches, and ultimately expanding their reach and influence. Through its programs, the CAC empowers coaches with knowledge and skills, promotes ethics, fosters positive attitudes, builds competence, and increases the credibility and recognition of coaches.

Follow the CAC on Twitter and on Facebook.


For more information, please contact:

Michel Hachey
Manager, Communications
Coaching Association of Canada
613.235.5000 ext. 2382