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OTTAWA, ON - The Coaching Association of Canada is pleased to announce that The SPort INnovation (SPIN) Summit will be held in conjunction with the 2008 Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif in Calgary, Alberta, from November 6-9.

“The SPIN Summit will deliver a top quality and relevant stream for high performance coaches and sport science experts. The SPIN Summit being held prior to the Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif conference, allows for the continuation of workshops and topics for this target group in the larger setting” commented John Bales, Chief Executive Officer of the Coaching Association of Canada.

The SPIN Summit is a sport technology and sport performance conference featuring presentations by renowned international experts, poster presentations, presented papers, exhibits, and special guest presentations by high performance athletes and coaches. The first phase of the SPIN Summit will occur the day before the 2008 Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif conference begins, and then be followed by SPIN Summit workshops during the conference itself. “We are happy to be partnering with CAC and the Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif conference. The SPIN Summit has provided an excellent forum for the exchange of sport technical information amongst Canada's sport science and medicine experts in its first two years. One of our key objectives moving forward is to engage with more coaches and joining forces with Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif will allow us to reach these coaches to promote cross-fertilization of ideas, experiences and innovations between sports and between professions” said Dr. Gordon Sleivert, SPIN Summit Founder and VP Sport Performance at the Canadian Sport Centre Pacific.

The 2008 Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif website is now available at

The Coaching Association of Canada is a not-for-profit amateur sport organization with the mission of enhancing the experiences of all Canadian athletes through quality coaching. CAC and its partners deliver a leading-edge coaching system whose goal is to impact 1,000,000 Canadian athletes through the training of 100,000 coaches per year in the National Coaching Certification Program. Visit for more information about coach education and training.

The SPIN Summit is a sport performance conference that brings together experts from around the world to build knowledge, networks and tools for future sport success through technological and scientific advances. It is the goal of this summit to provide a cross fertilization of ideas and knowledge; in so doing we expect each sector to be inspired by the possibilities of working together to identify, develop and share innovative approaches to enhance the sport performances of Canadian athletes.Visit for more information.

For more information, contact:

Sandra Gage
Director, Marketing and Communications
Coaching Association of Canada
613-235-5000, ext. 9-2378
sgage@coach.caRoz Eckardt
Coordinator, Performance Services
Canadian Sport Centre PacificSport

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