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The process of restarting sport activities presents significant challenges for coaches and participants. After an extended period of restricted training and competition, participants may experience a variety of physical and psychological effects that will influence their return to sport participation.

Coaches play an important role in providing a supportive environment for participants during this transition period. This eLearning module provides guidance and resources to help coaches create a safe and adaptable return-to-sport plan. 

After completing Leading a Return to Sport Participation, you will be better prepared to:

  • Identify the physical and psychosocial effects participants may be experiencing
  • Understand the role of a coach in facilitating the return to sport participation
  • Design a plan to return to sport participation during COVID-19
  • Lead and communicate with empathy

How to Register

This eLearning module is free and will take approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. You must complete this module in the Locker for it to appear on your coach transcript. Coaches who are maintaining their NCCP trained or certified status will receive 1 Professional Development (PD) point upon completing this module in the Locker.

This module is also available for free in various formats in the Mental Health and Sport Resource Library. It can be taken online, downloaded to complete offline on a PC or a Mac, or downloaded as a PDF. To access all versions of this module, visit the Mental Health and Sport Resource Library.

Return to Sport

Visit the Return to Sport webpages for all information related to the return to in-person sport activities. This resource hub includes tools and guidelines to support coaches, sport administrators, and NCCP delivery partners during the process of returning to sport participation.