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The Leading a Return to Sport Participation eLearning module is designed to help coaches lead a safe and adaptive transition back to sport. After completing this module, coaches will understand their role in facilitating this transition and learn practical advice to apply when creating their own return-to-sport plan.

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Download the Resources

The CAC has created resources to support coaches and sport administrators during the return to sport participation. By following all directives from federal, provincial, and territorial public health agencies in Canada, we can promote and protect the health and safety of all sport participants. 

Download the Resources

NCCP Delivery

View the resources currently available for in-person NCCP delivery, as well as information about the COVID-19 NCCP Delivery Task Force.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Leading a Return to Sport Participation

What will I learn?

After completing Leading a Return to Sport Participation, you will be able to:

  • Identify the physical and psychosocial effects participants may be experiencing
  • Understand the role of a coach in facilitating the return to sport participation
  • Design a plan to return to sport participation during COVID-19
  • Lead and communicate with empathy
What are the benefits?

In this free eLearning module, coaches will have the opportunity to review potential challenges and learn practical tips to apply when addressing similar situations. Coaches who are maintaining their NCCP Certification will earn one NCCP PD point upon completion of this module.

How do I access the training?

Leading a Return to Sport Participation is available in the Locker and is accessible on all devices and operating systems. In order to access this module, you must have an NCCP number.

NCCP Delivery

The NCCP COVID-19 Task Force, in consultation with the Partnership and medical and legal professionals, has produced guidelines in line with public health measures to help NCCP Partners mitigate the spread of COVID-19 as they return to in-person delivery.

Resources for In-Person NCCP Delivery

These resources are based on Public Health of Canada guidelines to prevent infection and reduce risk of the spread of COVID-19 during in-person workshop. They are not intended to overrule or contradict Provincial or Territorial Public Health guidelines or sport-specific guidelines.

Overview of COVID-19 NCCP Delivery Task Force

The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) struck a COVID-19 NCCP Delivery Task Force to consider the impact on NCCP delivery (including training and evaluation) given current restrictions on in-person gatherings and social distancing guidelines. This Task Force convened its initial meetings in April 2020, following an open call to NCCP Partners to participate on the committee.

Initial meetings focused on identifying potential gaps, issues, and risks facing NCCP delivery partners, including National Sport Organizations (NSOs), Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives (PTCRs), Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations (PTSOs), and local clubs. The Task Force also considered recommendations for requirements for NCCP Coach Developers for online delivery.