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Keep sport safe, smart and secure

The Safe, Smart and Secure slogan appears in much of the collateral and promotional copy included in this marketing toolkit, alongside other RCM material that can help you to promote the movement on a continuous basis.

The first step for sport organizations is to take the RCM pledge. We are counting on your support to take this pledge if you have yet to do so and help raise awareness with other organizations in your network about this important movement.

Coaches, volunteers, parents and participants can play their part to support this movement by encouraging sport organizations to take the RCM pledge.

RCM Branding

We've updated the RCM wordmark and created icons to represent each of the three pillars for the Responsible Coaching Movement. Please update your own website and collateral with this new logo, when possible using the assets provided on this page or in the toolkit.

For online applications, we suggest using the png format.

RCM Templates

Support your organization by having key policies in place and make sure these are current and enforced. Use any of the provided CAC templates for this.

Travel Policy

These guidelines developed in collaboration with The Canadian Centre for Child Protection’s Commit to Kids Program are intended for use by sport organizations to help establish a common understanding of expectations for increasing the protection of children/youth (athletes, sport participants) taking part in overnight trips.

Get the guidelines

Code of Conduct and Ethics

The purpose of this Code is to ensure a safe and positive environment within the programs, activities, and Events of the CAC.

CAC Code of Conduct and Ethics

Screening Policy Template

Background screening ensures that coaches meet the important requirements to coach athletes/participants. This template focuses on the screening process for criminal record checks.  

RCM Screening Policy Template

Background Screening Policy and Process Considerations

This document was prepared by the CAC to assist sport organizations in the development of screening policies and processes. Each organization must ultimately develop the policy and process they wish to follow to meet the needs of their community.  

Download the policy

RCM Resources

We have a number of resources available to help you at every stage of your RCM journey.

RCM infographic

These steps enable coaches and sports organizations to learn and apply consistent best practices at all times to keep sport safe, smart and secure for everyone.

Download the infographic

RCM checklist

Our detailed checklist offers resources, templates and useful links to set you on the right path. The checklist is updated regularly with the most current information and tools.

Download the checklist

Rule of Two infographic

Our infographic clearly demonstrates the key points of the Rule of Two. Share it with your stakeholders and post it in visible areas to ensure all participants understand its principles.

Download the infographic

Digital badge for websites

After your organization has taken the pledge, you can copy the code provided below and paste it into the footer of your website to proudly support the RCM movement.

Embed code for light footers
<!-- RCM Badge Code --> 
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; max-width:350px"> 
    <div style="padding-right:27px;"> 
        <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external"><img src="" style="width:120px; height:120px"></a> 
    <div style="padding-left:30px; border-left:solid 1px #ffffff"> 
        <p style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;color:#ffffff">We’ve taken the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external" style="font-weight: bold;color:#ffffff">RCM</a>&nbsp;pledge.</p> 
        <p style="margin: 1em 0 0 0;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;color:#ffffff">Nous avons signé l’engagement du&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="external" style="font-weight: bold;color:#ffffff">MER</a>.</p> 
<!-- end RCM Badge Code -->
Embed code for dark footers
<!-- RCM Badge Code --> 
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; max-width:350px"> 
    <div style="padding-right:27px;"> 
        <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external"><img src="" style="width:120px; height:120px"></a> 
    <div style="padding-left:30px; border-left:solid 1px #ffffff"> 
        <p style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;color:#ffffff">We’ve taken the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external" style="font-weight: bold;color:#ffffff">RCM</a>&nbsp;pledge.</p> 
        <p style="margin: 1em 0 0 0;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;color:#ffffff">Nous avons signé l’engagement du&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="external" style="font-weight: bold;color:#ffffff">MER</a>.</p> 
<!-- end RCM Badge Code -->	

Safe Smart Secure Campaign Assets

We have launched a national Responsible Coaching Movement campaign aimed at encouraging sport organizations across the country to take the RCM pledge.

Creating a culture in sport that is truly safe, smart and secure for everyone is a team effort, and that is why we hope you will join us in raising awareness about this impactful campaign.

Social Media Assets

Use these assets to promote the RCM and spread awareness across your digital and social channels. Suggested copy is also provided below.

Suggested copy for social media channels and publications

Please use the copy examples below as a guideline when promoting the RCM.

Facebook and LinkedIn
Message 1 (RCM awareness and video)

At [add organization name] we believe that every sport needs to be Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. Learn more on how we can achieve this together on and off the field of play with the Responsible Coaching Movement by watching this short video. Share the video and help spread the word!

Message 2 (Awareness on RCM pledge)

All of us at [add organization name] are working hard to help create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. Join the Responsible Coaching Movement by taking the pledge at

Message 3 (Three pillar reference and video)

Did you know that the Responsible Coaching Movement includes three distinct pillars, each of which serves to create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart and Secure? Watch this video to learn more about this important movement and how you can make a meaningful difference.

Message 4 (Pledge reminder and link to national map)

Has your sport organization taken the Responsible Coaching Movement pledge yet? Join many Canadian sport organizations who are committed to making sport Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. Check out our interactive map to learn who has already taken the pledge!

Message 5 (Final pledge reminder)

We’re all on the same team to ensure that sport can remain Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. Whether you are a coach, a sport organization, a participant or parent, please join us in taking the RCM pledge or encouraging organizations to do so. This helps to create a sport environment we can all be proud of. Learn more at

Message 1 (RCM awareness and video)

We believe that every sport needs to be Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone, from participants and coaches alike. Watch how we can achieve this together — on and off the field of play — in this short video about the Responsible Coaching Movement and share it to help spread the word!

Message 2 (Awareness on RCM pledge)

We’re working hard to help create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. Join the Responsible Coaching Movement by taking the pledge on the website.

Message 3 (Three pillar reference and video)

Did you know that the Responsible Coaching Movement includes three distinct pillars, each of which serves to create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart and Secure? Watch this video to learn more about this important movement and how you can make a difference.

Message 4 (Pledge reminder and link to national map)

Has your sport organization taken the RCM pledge yet? Join many Canadian sport organizations who are committed to making sport Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. Check out the map link in our bio to learn who has already taken the pledge!

Message 5 (Final pledge reminder)

We’re all on the same team to ensure that sport can remain Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. All sport organizations are encouraged to take the RCM pledge. This helps to create a sport environment we can all be proud of. Learn more at

Twitter (X)
Message 1 (RCM awareness and video)

We believe that every sport needs to be Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone, from participants and coaches alike. Watch how we can achieve this together on and off the field of play with the Responsible Coaching Movement in this short video.

Message 2 (Awareness on RCM pledge)

We’re working hard to help create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. Sport organizations should join the Responsible Coaching Movement by taking the pledge on the website.

Message 3 (Three pillar reference and video)

Did you know that the Responsible Coaching Movement includes three distinct pillars, each of which serves to create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart and Secure? Watch this video to learn more about this important movement and how you can make a difference.

Message 4 (Pledge reminder and link to national map)

Has your sports organization taken the RCM pledge yet? Join thousands of other organizations across Canada who are committed to making sport Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. Check out our interactive map to learn who has already taken the pledge!

Message 5 (Final pledge reminder)

We’re all on the same team to ensure that sport can remain Safe, Smart and Secure for everyone. All sport organizations are encouraged to take the RCM pledge. This helps to create a sport environment we can all be proud of. Learn more at

eNewsletter Copy

Take the Responsible Coaching Movement pledge to help keep sport safe, smart and secure


We all have a role to play to ensure that sport can remain safe, smart and secure for everyone. That’s why we are supporting the national Responsible Coaching Movement campaign aimed at encouraging sport organizations to take the RCM pledge as a first step in helping to foster a safe and positive sport environment for all.

Simply download the RCM Marketing Toolkit, which your organization can use to help support the RCM campaign. In preparation for this campaign, the RCM logo has been refreshed, along with other marketing assets. We encourage your organization to make use of this material and refresh your content as needed.

Creating a culture in sport that is truly safe, smart and secure for everyone is a team effort, and that is why we are counting on your support to help raise awareness about this important campaign. More details can be found at


Responsible Coaching Movement

The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a call to action for sport organizations, parents, and coaches to enact responsible coaching across Canada — on and off the field.

What is the RCM?

Established by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, the RCM invites all coaches and sport organizations to learn and apply consistent coaching principles. It includes three distinct pillars, each serving to create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart and Secure.

Rule of Two

The Rule of Two is a leading practice to ensure a safe sport environment for all. The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable, and justifiable, and when two responsible adults (a coach, parent, or screened volunteer) are present with a participant. There may be exceptions in emergency situations. Check with your sport organization as to how the Rule of Two is enforced.

Background Screening

A secure sport environment is one where all coaches and sport organization leaders are screened to meet requirements to be involved in sport. Screening includes comprehensive background and reference checks, interviews, plus police information checks, to be done at regular intervals.

Ethics Training

A smart sport environment ensures coaches are trained and have the confidence and skills needed to effectively manage challenging situations. Lifelong learning through numerous training modules helps coaches expand their knowledge and awareness of important topics throughout their career.

Take the RCM Pledge

The RCM encourages sport organizations across Canada to pledge their commitment to implement these fundamental coaching principles at every level of sport.

Get Involved

Many sport organizations have taken the RCM pledge and have committed to implementing its best practices. Find out which organizations have taken the pledge by visiting

Responsible Coaching Resources

To help you on your RCM journey, we’ve developed an infographic and detailed RCM checklist that includes resources, templates and useful links. The checklist is updated regularly with new information and tools.

For more information, visit

Keep Sport Safe, Smart, and Secure

More ways to protect participants and coaches while fostering a positive sport culture:

Have more questions about the RCM?

Please contact the CAC’s Sport Safety Team at

Understanding the Rule of Two eLearning Module

The CAC’s Understanding the Rule of Two eLearning module outlines how you can increase the safety and security of sport participants while protecting all those involved.

We’ve developed a series of assets that you can use to promote the module: poster, digital graphics, postcard.