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Stages of Mentorship

1. Assess Readiness

  • Understanding what the mentorship involves
  • Consideration of fit for mentoring
  • Determination of motivations for engagement

2. Prepare

  • Self-assessment and awareness building
  • Training on how to be an effective mentee/mentor
  • Connecting mentees and mentors

3. Set the Stage

  • Vision and goal setting
  • Clarifying roles of the mentee and mentor
  • Developing a mentoring plan

4. Develop Together

  • Implementing the mentoring plan
  • Regular check-ins
  • Ongoing reflection and assessment

5. Wrap Up

  • Assessing goal achievement
  • Sharing of success with others
  • Celebrating success and the mentorship experience

6. Evaluate and Plan Next Steps

  • Evaluating effectiveness of the mentorship
  • Planning next steps in career advancement

Mentorship Guides

Mentorship Training

Built on the foundation of the Female Coach Mentorship Model, the Coaching Association of Canada has developed new training resources to support the education and development of Mentees.

NCCP Mentorship

The NCCP Mentorship module prepares individuals for their roles as mentors with clarity of purpose and confidence in their actions. The training reaffirms and strengthens their abilities and skills as a mentor, while expanding upon the mentor’s knowledge of the mentoring process. Completing the training will provide the mentor with the necessary standards and protocols to implement mentoring within their coaching community.

NCCP Mentorship Module

Training for Effective Mentees

Training for Effective Mentees is a suite of resources available for sport organizations to host and facilitate three training workshops for mentees. The training was created to support mentees to better understand their role within a mentorship model. Organizations that administer mentorship programs are encouraged to host the training to support the mentees within their program and educate them on how to make the most of their participation within a mentorship program.

After completing Training for Effective Mentees, mentees will be able to:

  • Understand the role as a mentee 
  • Develop connections with other participants  
  • Gain the skills, knowledge, and tools to engage

The resource package includes the Mentee Workbook, a Facilitation Guide and accompanying PowerPoint. Interested sport organizations may download the resources directly to host and facilitate the training for their mentees. The files are available for print, or to share electronically as fillable PDFs.

Download the full resource package here:

Frequently Asked Questions

Training for Effective Mentees

What are these updated resources for?

Training for Effective Mentees is a set of resources for members of the sporting community to use to train the mentees in their mentorship program. The organizations can use the resources to facilitate the three workshops, created on the foundation of the Female Coach Mentorship Model.

Who facilitates Training for Effective Mentees?

Training for Effective Mentees was created for sport organizations to facilitate their own training and adapt it to their mentorship program. The training can be facilitated by the mentorship program manager, or another learning facilitator.

Do I need a National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) number in order to access these resources and training?

No, in order to access the Training for Effective Mentees resources you do not need an NCCP number. 

How much does it cost to access the Training for Effective Mentees resources?

There is currently no cost to accessing the Training for Effective Mentees resources.

I am having technical issues with accessing the resources on the webpage, who should I talk to?

Please contact for any technical issues.

Financial Support

This project was made possible with financial support from the Sport Information Resource Centre’s Researcher/Practitioner Match Grants.

Defining mentorship

The CAC has created resources for coaches and sport administrators who are considering participation in a mentorship program. Use the resource documents below to understand the benefits and components of a mentorship program, assess your readiness for participation, and learn your roles and responsibilities during each stage of the program.

What is mentorship?

Mentorship is a relationship in which advice, information, guidance, support, or opportunity is offered from one person to another for personal and professional development. Review the Overview of Mentorship for Coach Development to learn more.

How do I start a mentorship program?

Before committing to host a mentorship program, it is important for an organization to understand their role and the factors that will structure the program for success. If you are thinking about creating a mentorship program, the Building an Effective Mentorship Program resource will help you get started.

Is mentorship right for me?

To make the most of a mentorship opportunity, mentees and mentors should do a self-assessment to ensure they have the capacity and motivation to participate fully. The following resources will help you decide whether you are ready to commit to a mentorship program:


The Female Coach Mentorship Model pilot project was funded by Status of Women Canada and the Government of Canada.

For more information

For questions and more information on the CAC’s Female Coach Mentorship model Training for Effective Mentees, please contact Isabelle Cayer, Director, Sport Safety at

Isabelle Cayer

Director, Sport Safety

Language(s) Spoken: English / French

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