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Quantifying the Activities associated with the Incremental Development of Coaches in Canadian Track and Field

Original report written by: Young, B., Jemczyk, K. & Washington. M. (2007).


The present study attempted to validate the draft Coach Development Model (CDM) of Athletics Canada (2006). The model proposed that the pathway to track and field coaching excellence involves the progression of aspiring individuals through incremental skilled coaching groups over extended periods of time. According to socio-ecological theory, development is a product of the various contexts of engagement that one immerses themselves in over time, including activities that one undertakes, one’s experiences, and the social systems in which one interacts.

The current study attempted to identify and quantify the activities, experiences, and interactions in common developmental contexts (i.e., coaching experience, mentoring, former athletic experience, formal coach education) that would distinguish between incremental skilled groups in the model. The various coaching groups were validated based on multiple outcomes of coaching skill. Importantly, results demonstrated that certain accumulated measures in each of the contexts were able to discriminate between local club, senior club, provincial-level, and national-level coaching groups.

In the discussion, these accumulated measures were attached to revised iterations of the draft CDM. Finally, various implications of the present research for coach recruitment and development strategies are suggested and discussed. 

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