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The Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching provides timely, accurate, targeted information to aid in creating a healthier and more positive environment for women coaches – in Canada and around the world.

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Read more about What Women are Saying About Coaching Needs and Practices in Masters Sport
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Read more about Examining the Benefits of Female-to-Female Mentorship as a Result of Participation in a Female Coach Mentorship Program
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Read more about Advancing Women in Coaching: Shifting from Mentorship to Sponsorship
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Read more about The 2015 Conversation on Women and Sport
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Read more about Coaching the Female Athlete: Developing Your Performance Environment
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Read more about A Rationale for Encouraging Mothers to Coach Youth Sport
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Read more about Three Executive Coaches Share Best Practices
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Read more about Women in Olympic Medal-Winning Coaching: A Leadership Perspective
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Read more about Striving for Gender Equity in Coaching: Female Athletes’ Perspectives on Pursuing Coaching as a Career
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Read more about Sharing Experiences and Advice on Successful Coaching Despite Inequity
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