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Coaches of Canada announced today the 2009 winners of its two national awards — the Jack Donohue “Coach of the Year” Award and the Sheila Robertson Award. Both awards will be presented during Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif 2009, scheduled to take place in Vancouver, November 12-15, 2009. The Sport Leadership Awards Ceremony will take place on Friday, November 13, at 6:30 pm at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Grand Ballroom.

Jack Donohue Award
The 2009 winner of the Jack Donohue Award, recognizing a coach's dedication to the profession and the outstanding performances of his or her athletes during the past competitive season, is Steve Bush, ChPC, of North Vancouver, B.C., national coach of Canada's Water Ski Team. In the past 30 years he's been involved in the sport, his athletes have won 46 world championship medals, 19 of which are gold; and 27 Pan American Games medals, 29 world junior championship medals, and 11 world under-21 championship medals.

A masterful technician, Bush continually audits his training programs to ensure the best methodologies. He makes sure that the most effective and applicable training theories and coaching practices are being used by the entire team and he tailors training programs for each athlete.

“By his example, Steve teaches his athletes about more than winning. He teaches them the intricate balance required to also succeed in life,” says Coaches of Canada President Steven Sugar. “He epitomizes the qualities that distinguished Jack: passion, commitment, competence, integrity, love of learning, humour, honesty, and compassion.”

The previous winners of the Jack Donohue Award, inaugurated in 2003, are diving coach Michel Larouche, ChPC, in 2003, artistic gymnastics coach Kelly Manjak, ChPC, in 2004, water polo coach Patrick Oaten, ChPC, in 2005, long track speed skating coach Xiuli Wang, ChPC, in 2006, alpine ski coach Paul Kristofic, ChPC, in 2007 and wheelchair basketball coach Tim Frick, ChPC, in 2008.

Sheila Robertson Award
The Sheila Robertson Award, inaugurated in 2005, is named in honour of the founding editor of Coaches Report magazine. The award recognizes a national sport organization or multi-sport service organization that demonstrates a consistent approach to valuing and recognizing the role of its coaches.

Athletics Canada, this year's recipient, has made remarkable strides in coach recognition. New funds supported the development of an innovative coach-led high performance structure, news releases and a monthly e-newsletter regularly feature coaches, and the website highlights coach bios, profiles, and appointments. To ensure their involvement in decision making, coaches are included in leadership meetings.

Previous winners of the Sheila Robertson Award are the Canadian Yachting Association in 2005, Diving Plongeon Canada in 2006, and Skate Canada in 2007 and 2008.

About Coaches of Canada
Coaches of Canada is the national organization representing Canada's professional coaches — with members who represent all sports, both professional and amateur. Coaches of Canada's mandate is to advance the profession of coaching and to advance the contribution coaches make to individuals, teams, communities, and society.

For information, contact:
Rebecca Norton
Communications and Events Coordinator
Coaches of Canada