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The start of a new year means new resolutions! Are you still looking for motivation to try something new? This month’s #CoachTop10 features 10 classic new year’s resolutions with a bit of a coach twist. How will you #ChangeYourGame in 2015?

  • #10: “I’m going to do more conditioning with my athletes to get in shape.”
  • #9: “I want to finish my coaching evaluation to get Certified.”
  • #8: “I want to do a better job of communicating the goal of every training session to my athletes.”
  • #7: “I want to do more reading about how to be a better coach.” (CAC HINT: Read coach tips from national team coaches every #CoachTipTuesday!)
  • #6: “I’m going to learn something new and take a professional development workshop.”
  • #5: “I need to get more organized so I’m going to update my personal information on my coach profile in the Locker.”
  • #4: “I resolve to get my finances in order!" (CAC HINT: Tap into a free financial planning consultation or get free accounting advice with Coaches of Canada!)
  • #3: “I resolve to say ‘thank-you’ more often to all the awesome people that volunteer their time to help make my job easier.”
  • #2: “I want to cook more and eat healthier!” (CAC HINT: Check out the SNAC tips section of for healthy snacking ideas)
  • #1: “I resolve to spend more time listening to my athletes, and less time talking at them.”