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March 21, 2017 (Toronto) - HIGH FIVE® and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), have joined to announce that HIGH FIVE training is being recognized as professional development (PD) within the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP).

In order for NCCP coaches to maintain their certified status, they are required to obtain PD points. They can be earned through a multitude of activities that coaches already participate in, and the recent collaboration with HIGH FIVE offers increased opportunities and access for continued, life-long learning. Coaches who have taken HIGH FIVE training as of January 1st, 2016 or afterwards will have it recognized as PD points, and furthermore, towards the maintenance of their NCCP certification.

Since its inception in 2001, HIGH FIVE is recognized across Canada as the quality standard for children’s programs. Organizations use HIGH FIVE to ensure they are providing positive experiences for kids to increase their chances of staying active for life. Each year, approximately 450 organizations across Canada use HIGH FIVE, resulting in more than 1 million children having positive experiences in their programs.

As the largest adult continuing education program in Canada, the NCCP provides coaches the confidence to succeed, and is designed and delivered in partnership with the government of Canada, provincial/territorial governments and national/provincial/territorial sport organizations. The Coaching Association of Canada, HIGH FIVE, and its partners recognize the value of Professional Development programs which reinforce the values of lifelong learning and sharing amongst the coaching community.

 “HIGH FIVE’s child-centred approach not only provides coaches with crucial knowledge and expertise to keep kids motivated, it helps them deal with one of their biggest challenges…parents.” -          LJ Bartle, Director, HIGH FIVE Standard 

“We recognize that coaches rely on their education, training, and experiences to handle whatever situation is thrown at them. That’s why we are proud to join HIGH FIVE to offer a variety of professional development opportunities for NCCP coaches to support their maintenance of certification and to reinforce the values of lifelong learning amongst the coaching community.” - Lorraine Lafrenière, CEO, Coaching Association of Canada



HIGH FIVE is Canada’s comprehensive quality standard for children’s programs founded by Parks and Recreation Ontario in 2001. HIGH FIVE holds true to the following five Principles of healthy child development that our research indicates are essential for providing a positive experience for kids: A Caring Adult, Friends, Play, Mastery and Participation. The HIGH FIVE quality framework consists of Training and Development, Program Assessments, Policies and Procedures, and Awareness. Click here to learn more about training and HIGH FIVE Sport.

About Coaching Association of Canada

The Coaching Association of Canada unites stakeholders and partners in its commitment to raising the skills and stature of coaches, and ultimately expanding their reach and influence. Through its programs, the CAC empowers coaches with knowledge and skills, promotes ethics, fosters positive attitudes, builds competence, and increases the credibility and recognition of coaches. For more information please visit  

For more information contact:

Sara Zammit
Communications Coordinator
HIGH FIVE National

Michel Hachey
Manager, Communications
Coaching Association of Canada
613.235.5000 x 2382