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One coach and 10 kids: an opportunity to make 100 impressions and generate 1000 smiles.  The numbers do add up and its time to pick up a whistle and make a difference in your community.  
“Ontario Coaches Week is about inspiring new community leaders to take up coaching,” says Susan Kitchen, Executive Director, Coaches Association of Ontario. “There are many intrinsic rewards that come from being a coach for young or older athletes. Introducing a young person to a sport you love has returns that last a life time.”
According to the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) children and youth require at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity per day. Currently only 9 per cent of boys and 4 per cent of girls are meeting that standard. 
In an effort to increase the number of qualified coaches so that more children and adults have the opportunity to lead healthy and active lives, the Coaches Association of Ontario is celebrating Ontario Coaches Week from April 9-17th in dozens of communities across the province. 
Twenty-five Ontario communities are hosting free National Coaching Certification Program workshops, and many other communities are recognizing the men and women who coach in their clubs, arenas and recreation centres.  Whether your sport is swimming or baseball, get involved in your community through coaching.
“Ontario Coaches Week highlights the important role coaches of all levels play in building a healthier province,” says Margarett Best, Minister of Health Promotion & Sport. “Coaches act as mentors, help kids develop new skills, encourage team work and often offer encouragement through a warm smile and some uplifting words.  Coaches inspire Ontarians to be healthier and more active and I take this opportunity to applaud all of Ontario’s coaches.” 
Individuals can take up coaching even if they are not highly athletic people with extensive sport backgrounds. Good communication skills, planning and organizing activities are important. Having a positive attitude and ability to build a person’s self-confidence is the most fundamental skill a coach needs.  
Throughout the week, free workshops will target new coaches including aboriginals, and youth. 
Activities for Ontario Coaches Week include: 
  • NCCP Free Days, delivering National Coaching Certification Program courses for up to 500 coaches in 25 communities.
  • Tell your story: Inspire Others Contest. Win $500 for your team.
  • FREE Getting Started Coaching Resources on
  • Week long celebration of community coaches across the province. 
The week-long celebration is funded by Sport Canada and the Ontario’s Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport.
Visit for a complete listing of workshop dates and locations.