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Just as a first Games for an athlete is often a learning experience that hopefully will pay off later in their career, a coach’s first exposure to an Olympics or Paralympics can be overwhelming. Aside from the heightened security, and limited access to training venues -- the media hype, expectations of parents, families, and friends, the tension around selection, and the multi-sport environment, make this a unique experience, and one that should be practiced before expecting to perform! From that perspective, the Global Coaches House is a welcome addition to help in the preparation of future Olympic and Paralympic coaches.

Global Coaches House is an initiative of the International Council for Coach Education (ICCE), in partnership with Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, and will be open to all coaches during the Olympic (July 27-August 12) and Paralympic Games (Sept 3-6).

Located in the heart of London, the Global Coaches House will be open daily from 8am to 10pm and will provide coaches with the opportunity for informal networking and formal learning, while also providing a venue to promote coaches and coaching development.

A number of Canadian sports are sending coaches to London to prepare for future roles as Olympic coaches, and the Global Coaches House will add to their experience with programs offered by Olympic coaching veterans like Frank Dick (UK Athletics) and Bill Sweetenham (Australian swimming).

The Global Coaches House will feature a Technology Day (August 1st), a Winning Women Day (August 7th), the launch of the International Sport Coaching Framework (August 1st), open presentations each lunch hour, and interviews with medal-winning coaches each evening. It all takes place at 106 Piccadilly, which is the London campus of Limkokwing University.

I’m looking forward to sharing some of this exciting program with you over Twitter (@jbalescoachca and @CAC_ACE) and on – let the Games begin!