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After four visits from the CAC during 2011, the implementation of a basic Learning Facilitator training project in Haiti is almost finished. During our last training mission in December 2011, we started the first phase of Haiti’s Learning Facilitator training, allowing Haiti’s Sport Ministry independence in managing and leading their new training program: the State Certification Program for Sport Managers (PECCS)!

Similar to the August 2011 mission, the CAC’s training team was composed of four experienced National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Learning Facilitators: Charles Cardinal, Diane Culver, Marie-Pier Charest and Jean-Marc Normandin.

Above are the first nine Haitian Learning Facilitators accompanied by two of the four CAC members: Charles Cardinal (left) and Diane Culver (right).

Sport donations from Canada

As good sports equipment is in short supply in Haiti, the CAC team decided to bring donations from Canada back to Haiti to enable the country’s athletes to maximize their training time with their newly trained coaches.

We would like to say a big “thank you” to the following organizations, shops and individuals who generously gave us this sporting equipment that was delivered directly into the hands of the coaches by our Canadian team:

  • Volleyball Canada
  • Delisle-Poirel’s Tennis School -- Jonquière, Québec
  • Saguenay Tennis Club -- Jonquière, Québec
  • Davis Sports -- Jonquière, Québec
  • Sports Experts -- Chicoutimi, Québec
  • Larry Abbott, Ottawa University graduate student (Cross-country)

Diane Culver, from the CAC team (right) accompanied by some of the young girls that received running shoes.

A team of young tennis players that received a lot of equipment.

Positive testimonials

With the University of Ottawa’s partnership, we have found that several NCCP coaching principles and methods have already been acquired by Haïti’s sport leaders. The Action Research project: “The quality and impact of the multi-sport modules of Levels 1 and 2 of Haiti’s Programme d’état de certification des cadres sportifs” conducted by Diane Culver, reinforces the impact of Canada’s mission in Haiti. Here is one of the many positive comments received through Ms. Culver’s research project:

‘‘The training has really helped me on the field with (the) kids and during practices – helping me manage (the) kids better than I did before. For example, the planning module taught us what type of movements to work with kids during the acquisition phase, and what we can work with them at every age level … (such as) physical abilities, maximum speed, strength, stability and aerobics. We (now) know when and how to work these elements (with them).’’