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Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching

What It Takes To Win: Perspectives from Vancouver 2010
Inspirational stories of women coaches and athletes from the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games

In high performance sport, where millimetres and hundredths of a second make the difference between a medal and oblivion, it is always useful to take time to look back and analyse what happened at a major event. For the purposes of this article, the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games are the point of analysis. What is it we as coaches or as a team missed? What is it we did superbly? What is it we can learn that can help us at subsequent World Cups, world championships, and the 2012 and 2014 Games?

Certainly sport organizations and teams are beginning to do a better job at this type of analysis, but there is always room for improvement and learning. To continue to get better at learning from our Olympic and Paralympic experiences, this article looks at the reflections of a number of key women coaches and athletes at the 2010 Games in Vancouver and Whistler.

To read the July feature article of the Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching go to