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The needs, learning, and practices of Coach Developers: A scoping review

Original report written by: Barz, B. Côté, J. & Martin, L. (2022)


A literature review was conducted to explore the needs, learning, and practices of Coach Developers (CDs). Five research questions guided this review: (1) what roles do CDs play? (2) how do each of the roles contribute to coach development? (3) what skills and competencies are required for CDs to impact coach development? (4) what factors contribute to attracting and retaining CDs? and (5) what do CDs need to be successful in their role?

Initial search results yielded 1015 records that were screened and sorted based on relevance to shed light on the research questions. A total of 37 articles were included in the final review.

Results included the following four themes: (1) CDs have multiple roles, (2) they perform knowledge translation in coach education, (3) they require integrated skillsets, and (4) CDs' attraction and retention are dependent on both individuals and organizations. Suggestions for implementation from the research results are: continued and improved training for CDs and potential future avenues of research. 

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