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Understanding the Quality and Validity of Coach Evaluation Experience throughout Canada - From the Classroom to the Field of Play

Original report written by: Edwards, J. (2018).


“A Coach Evaluator’s role is to contribute to the development of coaches after they have acquired their national Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) training” (CAC, 2016, para.1). The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the quality and validity of the coach evaluation experience.

To examine this purpose the following research questions are posed:

  1. How does coach evaluation occur in various sports?
  2. Did the coaches feel adequately prepared for their evaluation through the training they received?
  3. What training/certification does Coach Evaluator receive?
  4. Did their Coach Evaluator provide a meaningful evaluation experience through an engaging pre-brief and debrief?
  5. How did the coaches feel about the evaluation process?

Data were collected through 27 semi-structured interviews with current coach evaluators in 13 different sports throughout Canada. Simultaneously, questionnaires were completed by 382 Francophone and English-speaking coaches from 46 different sports.

The data revealed two key areas of the coach evaluation experience: The Evaluation Process and The Evaluation System. Within each of these main themes emerged first and second order constructs that included: Challenges in the Coaching Evaluation, Partnerships, Portfolio, Action Plans, environment, and support. Based on the findings, 12 key takeaway points are proposed. 

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