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The Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching provides timely, accurate, targeted information to aid in creating a healthier and more positive environment for women coaches – in Canada and around the world.

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Read more about Examining the Effectiveness of a Transformational Leadership Development Program 
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Read more about Making the Case for More Women Coaches in Disability Sport
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Read more about Recognizing and Responding to Teen-Dating Violence: Implications for Women Coaches
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Read more about Transgender and non-binary athlete needs: Challenges and best practices
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Read more about Change Inspires Change: A Report on the 8th International Working Group on Women and Sport 2022 World Conference
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Read more about Mental Health Powers Performance: Why Mental Health May Be Your Best Arsenal as a Coach
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Read more about Black Women Coaches: Building Skills and Community Through Mentorship
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Read more about Bev Priestman on delivering gold
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Read more about Yihua Li brings absolute passion to her coaching
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Read more about Heather Hennigar Champions an Integrated Support System
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