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as a Senior Coaching Consultant for High Performance Coaching

Ottawa, ON (September 29, 2011) -- Innovation…Excellence…Expertise.  These words describe the coaches that lead Canada’s national and provincial teams, and the Coaching Association of Canada is pleased to announce that Gérard Lauzière, a former High Performance Director (HPD), National Team Coach, CAC Coaching Consultant and Physical Education teacher is returning to the organization to lead the development of these coaches in the role of Senior Coaching Consultant, High Performance.

A national team athlete in karate for over 10 years, Lauzière went on to be a national team coach for karate where he worked with over a dozen Pan American Games, World Games, World Championship, World University Championship and World Cup medallists.  Most recently, Lauzière was the HPD for the Canadian Fencing Federation where he oversaw seven national teams travelling all over the world.  He was also the HPD for Taekwondo Canada from 2009 to 2010.

“We are very excited to welcome Gérard back to the CAC,” said Chief Executive Officer John Bales.  “He brings a wealth of knowledge to the organization from his work in high performance sport, multi-sport coaching development and sport science, and will enable us to further educate and prepare Canada’s coaches for international-level sport.”

In the role of Senior Coaching Consultant, High Performance, Lauzière will lead the development and delivery of the Advanced Coaching Diploma in partnership with the National Coaching Institutes, develop expert national level coaches in partnership with National Sport Organizations and Own the Podium, and develop guidelines for coaching specialist degrees and diplomas with colleges and universities in Canada.

About the Coaching Association of Canada

The Coaching Association of Canada unites stakeholders and partners in its commitment to raising the skills and stature of coaches, and ultimately expanding their reach and influence.  Through its programs, CAC empowers coaches with knowledge and skills, promotes ethics, fosters positive attitudes, builds competence, and increases the credibility and recognition of coaches.  Visit for more information about coach education, training and support.

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For more information, please contact:

Julie Parkins-Forget
Manager, Marketing & Communications
Coaching Association of Canada
613.235.5000 x 9-2382