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OTTAWA, ON – The International Committee for Fair Play (CIFP) has announced that the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) has been awarded the Fair Play Award in the Attitude Category.

“This prize recognizes your outstanding behaviour that helped to promote and patronize the idea of fair play in sport,” said Dr. Jenö Kamuti, the president of the CIFP, which is based in Budapest, Hungary, and whose goal is the world-wide defence and promotion of fair play. Its focus includes national and international organizations working for sport and education, high performance athletes, and coaches.

“CAC is committed to generating a wide-ranging discussion on ethics in sport in order to help our coaches develop appropriate approaches to ethical challenges they may face in their day-to-day coaching,” said CAC Chief Executive Officer John Bales. “We are very pleased that the CIFP has recognized our work in the very important area of ethics in sport.”Specifically, CAC is documenting the personal stories of how exemplary coaches build ethical relationships with their athletes.

To ensure that the discussion is available to the more than one million coaches registered on the CAC database, the stories are posted on the Ethics section of the CAC website ( The CIFP award focused on the commentary provided by three exemplary Canadian coaches, all of whom were outstanding, high performance athletes, and one Olympic gold medallist: Jay Triano, an assistant coach of the Toronto Raptors of the National Basketball Association and the former captain and head coach of the national basketball team; Nicolas Gill, a two-time Olympic medallist, currently Judo Canada's high performance coach; Tom Renney, the head coach of the New York Rangers of the National Hockey League; and Beckie Scott, an Olympic champion in cross country skiing.

The Coaching Association of Canada is a not-for-profit amateur sport organization with the mission of enhancing the experiences of all Canadian athletes through quality coaching. CAC and its partners deliver a leading-edge coaching system whose goal is to impact 1,000,000 Canadian athletes through the training of 100,000 coaches per year in the National Coaching Certification Program. Visit for more information about coach education and training.

For more information, contact:

Sandra Gage
Director, Marketing and Communications
Coaching Association of Canada
613-235-5000, ext. 9-2378
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